
Saturday, 5 January 2013

New Year: to resolve or not to resolve?

This Is My Year by ConiLab

We're almost one whole week into 2013.  For some of us it means that we've survived the first couple of days back at work post-Christmas, others have yet to make that step. Perhaps the rest of us are just grateful we survived the festive season at all. I've noticed that one thing many of us have in common is the desire to make New Year resolutions.  I have read a few blog and Twitter posts over the past week in which people talk about their New Year resolutions and all the things they'd like to achieve this coming year. I've also read some blog posts in which the writer has posted a list of all the things they wanted to achieve but didn't in 2012.  I can't help but wonder if we are sometimes too hard on ourselves and automatically set ourselves up for failure by setting unrealistic goals for the year ahead. Regardless of your background or beliefs, New Year tends be a time of reflection for everyone.  Earlier this week I found myself feeling disappointed over the things I hadn't done last year.  It annoys me that I don't focus on my achievements more so I've decided to list them here as a reminder to myself over the coming year.  

Achievements in 2012

1. I started properly training as a Counsellor. 

2. I'm 18lbs lighter than I was this time last year. 

3. I did more regular exercise in 2012 than I have done in any other year during my adult life. 

4. I didn't give up on blogging. 

5. I was brave enough to attend my first BlytheCon alone and met up with some lovely Twitter friends too. 

As far as the things I'd like to do in 2013 go - yes, there are things I'd like to do this year, of course. However, I've decided to be kind to myself and not set unrealistic goals. I'd like to try some crocheting and yoga (if I don't like it, I'll stop and I'll be okay with that). I'd like to continue with my healthy eating and exercise plan, complete my counselling course, carry on blogging and say yes more often when it comes to social events. That's it. Simple and achievable. 

Why Not? by ConiLab

Whether or not you've decided to make resolutions or set goals, be kind to yourself and focus on the good stuff. 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your 2012 achievements, I had no idea you were training to be a counsellor. Well done you!


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