
Wednesday, 20 March 2013

The Kitchenaid Mixer

Growing up in a household with a baking fanatic Nan who was also a trained Domestic Science teacher (a big deal for a woman of her generation) we always had a Kenwood mixer. My Nan was an impromptu baker who could and often would, rustle up a cake at the drop of a hat for no reason in particular.  Out of nowhere you would hear the whirring of the mixer from the other end of the house and know she had taken one of her baking notions.  When you're wee, you just accept that these things are part of every day life and I always thought a mixer was something every household needed to have.  

Despite the iconic Kitchenaid mixer being developed in the 1930's, I didn't become aware of them until several years ago when I saw Nigella using one on her TV series.  At first I didn't know anything about them but a bit of internet digging soon sorted that and I was desperate to own one.  When I finally got my first home six years ago, a Kitchenaid mixer was on the list of essentials but I really had to save for one.  It took me two years to finally get one, partly because I had to save and partly because I couldn't decide which colour to buy.  I wanted a classic colour that I wouldn't get tired of so I eventually went for Majestic Yellow which a more of a mustard, retro yellow.  I absolutely love my Kitchenaid mixer and wouldn't be without it now.  I think the fact that I saved so hard for it made it all the better.  

My beloved Kitchenaid the week it arrived
When I was in New York recently, I chanced upon the Kitchenaid display in Macy's.  They looked beautiful all lined up on the shelves in different colours. I looked at them longingly for a few minutes but wouldn't cheat on my Majestic Yellow for anything.

Kitchenaid porn in Macy's


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