
Sunday 18 November 2012


This week I've discovered the joys of whisky. I've dabbled before but never really enjoyed it that much. I suppose it's one of those drinks that you either love or hate. I decided to try out Pig's Nose and Sheep Dip made by Spencerfield Spirit Company who are based just up the road from me. I'm excited to try out different kinds over the next few weeks too. Apparently, my grandad has a cupboard full of the stuff that he's received as presents and he hates it (win!).

Here's a selection of whisky related items from around the net this week...

Pig's Nose & Sheep Dip Whisky

Vintage Whisky Advertisement from Stills Of Time

Vintage Whisky Shot Glasses from Little Jay Vintage

Customised Leather Hip Flask by Gx2homegrown
 I hope you like my selection this week.

1 comment:

  1. Whisky? You go girl!

    Adore all the vintage images - obviously!



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