
Tuesday 1 May 2012

I'm Leaving On a (Hello Kitty) Jet Plane....

I'm not really leaving on a jet plane of any sort, unfortunately. Especially not a Hello Kitty one but had to share this. Taiwan airline EVA Air has just launched a Hello Kitty airplane (click that link, even their website is cheerful). Being a lover of cute Japanese cartoon characters and a hater of boring grey/blue/red dull aircraft interiors, this just made me want to weep tears of joy. Sadly I don't think my current funds would stretch to a holiday from Taiwan to Tokyo but a girl can dream.

The exterior (via

Lovely head rest covers and cushions (via

Best cabin attendant uniforms and food ever! (via

How amazing are these boarding passes and baggage labels? (via

WANT!!!!! (via

Once again, if you didn't click the link to their website above, here it is again. Best flight booking website ever -

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