
Wednesday 3 October 2012

Six Songs Of Me

I saw someone tweet a link to Guardian Music's 'Six Songs Of Me' page the other day.  Music has always been a huge part of my life so naturally I was intrigued and decided pick my own six songs.  You have to pick your songs based on the questions they ask you on the page, so these aren't the songs I would have chosen if someone had asked me for my top six but I think it's more interesting this way.

Here is my 'Six Songs Of Me' and the reasons why I picked them:

01 First Song You Ever Bought? 

Tell It To My Heart by Taylor Dayne

This was the first single I ever bought, 7" vinyl and still in a box at my mum's somewhere, I think. When you are a young child you are aware of sexuality but you just don't know what it is.  I remember being completely mesmerised with Taylor Dayne at the time, I thought she was beautiful and I used to watch the video over and over again. Today that would be called a 'girl crush' but of course, I didn't realise that at the time. I still love the song today and actually still have it on my iPod. No, not ashamed. Not even a tiny bit.

02 What Song Always Gets You Dancing?  

Male Stripper by Man2Man feat. Man Parrish 

I struggled with this one because I no longer like to dance.  It seems funny to say that now because when I was a child, dancing was my whole life.  I used to dance every day and vividly remember dancing to this song with my friend in her bedroom over and over again. Then dancing to it at my 21st birthday with the same long-suffering friend.  Even though I don't ever dance now, I remember how this song always got me dancing and it still makes me dance inside every time I hear it now. It makes me smile.

03 What Song Takes You Back To Your Childhood?  

Walk Like An Egyptian by The Bangles

This was the the one that took the longest for me to choose. Simply because there are so many songs that remind me of my childhood.  I settled on this one because it's one of the few songs from my childhood that remains firmly in that era, untarnished. I listened to many of the songs I listened to when I was a kid throughout my teens and adult life so when I hear them, I often think of other times and memories.  Not this one though.  Despite being Bangles obsessed as a child I no longer listen to this song now and haven't done really, for a very long time.  If I hear it on the radio, it instantly takes me back.

04 What Is Your Perfect Love Song?  

911 by Wyclef Jean feat. Mary J. Blige

It's funny because I was just listening to this song as recently as yesterday and thinking what a proper, amazing love song it is.  I've never been one for slushy mushy love songs although having said that I do like Unchained Melody by The Righteous Brothers and that's about as slushy as you can get.  I remember at 17 having a conversation with a female friend of my dad's about Celine Dion.  I can totally appreciate that she is an amazing singer but I can't stand her songs, they bore me.  My dad's friend, Denise turned to me and said "That's because you've never been in love. Wait until you've been in love and then you'll appreciate Celine Dion".  I remember thinking at the time that she was right in the sense that I had never been in love at 17 but I still couldn't imagine it turning me into a Celine Dion fan.  Sixteen years later, I can confirm that I have indeed been in love and that I still don't like Celine Dion.  
For me, 911 is about passionate, risky, crazy, red hot love that you know is bad for you but you just can't help yourself and want it anyway.  I can definitely relate to that, I've been there. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), the feeling wasn't mutual.

05 What Song Would You Want At Your Funeral?  

Amelia by Joni Mitchell

The first time I heard this song was actually at my dad's funeral when I was 17.  Partly because of grief and partly because of lack of life experience, I just didn't get it. I couldn't really listen to it for years after the event either because it made me so sad.  I was in my mid 20's before I could properly listen to it.  I can totally understand why it was one of my dad's favourite songs and it will always stay with me and hold a special place in my heart.  Now when I listen to it (as I do occasionally) I no longer feel sad. It actually lifts me, gives me hope and makes me realise that life isn't so bad after all. 
"People will tell you where they've gone, they'll tell you where to go but til you get there yourself you'll never really know". True, that.

06 One Last Song That Makes You, You.  

Maggie May by Rod Stewart

This was another one I struggled with. I actually didn't want to choose this song but felt I had to because it really kind of is what makes me, me and I felt that any other choice would have been slightly dishonest.  
This was, believe or not, the song that started my life long love of music. Apparently, this was the first song I ever heard. My parents put it on in the car when I was being driven home from hospital. A few months on and whenever they played it in the house, I would sort of couch dance (for want of a better expression) to it. My mum often tells me that this was their party piece when friends came over. They would say "our baby dances" and no one would believe it so they would put on Maggie May and I would...well..couch dance or bob up and down or something. I loved it apparently and it certainly entertained their friends, bunch of hippies that they were. Anyway, I still love this song today but don't listen to it so much anymore. I no longer couch dance either but I do tap my foot a bit when I hear it.

If you want to have a go at picking your own six songs, you can do so here. I would recommend it, it's a fun wee trip down memory lane that certainly got me thinking. 

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