
Sunday 22 July 2012

Simple pleasures

The beginning of my week was fraught with sugar cravings. I haven't baked for ages but was delighted to discover that I had all the ingredients to whip up a batch of vanilla cupcakes. It really doesn't take long to make cupcakes and of course the fun part is deciding what colour of icing and sprinkles to have. I went for pink and blue. There's nothing better than that first bite crunchy sprinkle/soft sweet buttercream combination. And, let's be honest, a buttercream moustache would put a smile on even the grumpiest face.

I've also been trying to get out and about, experimenting with my camera a bit more.  The weather was a bit up and down last week and I had nothing exciting planned so I was kind of at a loss finding something different to photograph. Then I noticed how lovely the pink wildflowers growing on the hedge at the back of our car park looked.  I hadn't really noticed them before but decided to take some pictures and see how they turned out.  I was delighted with the result and on the days following, I kind of went on a wildflower shooting spree (with a camera not a gun, that is). No matter where you live, it's amazing how you can find beautiful things on your doorstep if you just have a look out for them. What simple things have given you pleasure this week? 


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